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Remove Vibration effect

How to remove Vibration effect?
  1. Tap 
  2. Select the object that you want to remove Vibration effect.
  3. Tap  on the line palette.
  4. Tap 'Remove Vibration' on the menu.
  5. You can add various vector effect to the selected object by using this line type menu.

Input Text

  1. Tap to input text by keyboard.
  2. You can resize the text by dragging the corner handle of the select frame after selection of the text.
  3. When you want to change the text color, tap on the right side of  and tap to select text color.

Add color to the line drawing

In the case of 1 free line (Rectangle or circle ...)

  1. Select the line and tap 
  2. Select the fill color from the color palette.
In the case of many free lines
  1. 9VAe has no paint method like a bucket tool. Tap , and draw the shape again so that you want to fill color.
  2. Tap  a few times to lower the stacking order behind the lines.
  3. Tap .
    --> The select frame will appear.
  4. Tap the line type button  and tap '(hide)' on the menu.
  5. Tap . Change the shape by adding points so that the shape becomes the same as the line drawing,

Fill in behind figures

    The following operations are the same as above.
  1. Select all the lines you want to fill.
  2. If you want to fill behind all the selected lines, touch [+] in the center of the selection frame. Touch [Fill in behind figures] from the menu.
  3. If you want to fill behind some selected points, touch   or . Then points will appear.
  4. Surround the points you want to fill with a blue line.
  5. Touch [+] in the center of the selection frame. Touch [Fill in behind figures] from the menu.
  6. The created shape is selected, so you can set the desired color to it with the color palette.

Add Points, Change the shape

  1. Tap .
  2. Select the object that you want to change the shape.
  3. Tap 
  4. Tap the edge of the object to create a new point there. Drag the point that you want to move it.
  5. After selecting some points, tap or to change the shape of corner. You can also change the shape of corner by Command + Touching on the points.

Copy Page

  1. Tap the number of the page you want to copy.
    --> Page menu will appear.
  2. Chpose 'Copy Page' on the menu.
    --> The selected page will be copyed to the Memory Tool.
  3. Tap the gap of the page '>' you want to copy.
    --> Add Page menu will appear.
  4. Chpose 'Add Clip Page' on the menu.
    --> The page in the Memory Tool will be copied.

Input Photo

  1. Tap. Choose 'from PHOTO' on the menu.
  2. Tap the photo you want.
    --> The photo will appear on the screen.

Make the page size to the photo size

  1. Tap the photo to select it.
  2. Tap the '+' in the center of the select frame. Chpose 'Fit to the Stage' on the menu.
    --> The photo will fit to the stage.
  3. Tap the '+' in the center of the select frame. Chpose 'Set Page equal to Image' on the menu.
    --> The page size will be the photo size.
    (If the photo size exceeds 2000 it will be reduced. )
* 9VAe can't rotate photo images.

Stop-motion animation

  1. First, prepare sequential numbered images (a photo whose file name ends in a sequential number) (e.g., aaa0000.png, aaa0001.png, aaa0002.png...)
  2. Use a File APP to create a folder for sequential numbered images in App folder. Put all the sequential numbered images there.
  3. Tap the photo entry button .Choose 'from 9VAe Folder'on the menu.
  4. Choose your first image.
    →"A Continuous number image is found. Do you want to input all of the continuous images? Select "Yes".
  5. Set the time duration for the page.
  6. Tap the play button , you will see the animation.
  7. Tap here to see how to output the animation.

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